Dragon's Fire III: Sea Dragons
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Event Registration
Adult Member
Site Fee Feast
$5.00 $10.00
Adult Non-member
Site Fee Feast
$15.00 $10.00
Youth (7-17)
Site Fee Feast
$2.00 $10.00
Child (0-10)
Site Fee Feast
$0.00 $10.00
Reservationist: Mistress Collwen ferch Dafydd Caerllion
Reservationist contact info: denise.gillam@gmail.com or (864) 483-2551 (no calls later than 9:00 pm please)
Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Canton of Saint Georges
Mail reservations and checks to:
202 Middle Mountain Road
Pickens, SC 29671
No refunds shall be provided if the event does not make a profit. The Exchequer must receive refund requests in writing no later than seven days after the event. No refund shall be issued until the event books have been closed.
All children must be accompanied by a legal guardian or have a specific notarized form granting them entry. Please, reach out to the event steward or reservationist for more information.